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Needle In A Haystack - Orders

Use this page to manually enter items you wish to order that are either not found in our shopping cart or when you have a quick order to place. Shipping estimates won't apply correctly since weight is unknown for these items, but you can choose your shipping method just like any other on-line catalog order. If you're not sure of the price you can either estimate it or leave it blank and we'll take care of that when we receive your order. By default the cart will add $.01 to whatever is in that field so that it doesn't show up a "free" in the cart later. If the item is less than a $1.00 please enter it as 0.74 so it will come up correctly (.74 will make it think it's $74).

If you are ordering thread and want it in a single dyelot, please check the Dyelot box.

Vendor Description of Item Color Name, Product Name or Number Est. Price Qty Dyelot
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Last updated February 28, 2017