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Needle In A Haystack
                - Stands & Frames

Lap & Floor Stands come in a variety of materials from a number of great vendors. We can obtain these from K's Creations & Needlework System 4. In some cases we carry the items in the shop or we can arrange to have them drop shipped directly to you from our suppliers. If you have questions on what might work best for your stitching needs, feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail.

Needlework System 4
We stock a few of the components and you can visit the shop to take one for a spin.

Grooved ConnectorNeedlework System 4 is comprised of several components which mix and match. For the "base" you can use a Floor Stand, Travel Mate, Lap/Table Stand or Table Clamp. Then you can add a Stretcher Bar Clamp, Scroll Frame Holder, Q-Snap Holder, Extension Arm or Light/Magnifier Holder. Other accessories are the Scissor Tray and the Pattern Holder, which use the Light/Magnifier Holder. All of the components use a grooved connector to keep them firmly attached.

We don't currently list all of the options available but these are the most popular. Visit the Needlework System 4 website for all of the various components, which we can order for you.

Shipping Note: If you're not local to us, we'll have your order drop shipped directly to you - shipping is via UPS from Florida. If you are ordering for International shipment, contact us so we can determine the most economical method for shipping. Each of the major components will come up in the cart as a separate "box" but the shipping is typically less via UPS since either we or NS4 can bundle them together in one shipment (which the cart can't figure out).

Read our Needlework System 4 Stand review for help with your selections and where you'll find more photos. Or give us a call during store hours and we'll be happy to help you with your choices.

We also have a video on our YouTube channel showing how to connect pieces to the stands and turn the bar clamp to get to the back side.

Floor Stand w/Stretcher
                                    Bar Clamp
Floor Stand w/ Stretcher Bar Clamp
Travel Mate w/Bar Clamp
Travel Mate w/Stretcher Bar Clamp

Needlework System 4 
NS4 Floor Stand
Floor Stand - 35" tall from floor to center of grooved connector bolt
Needlework System 4 
NS4 Travel Mate  Travel Mate Medium  Travel Mate - Tall

The Travel Mate is adjustable to 3 different heights, which snaps into the holes using a push button. Measurements are given from floor to center of grooved connector bolt.
Short - 26"
Medium - 31 3/8
Tall - 37"

When the Travel Mate is full retracted and the cross bar bolted to the side it measures 27" long, 3" tall and  6" wide (where the angle bracket is). This is the measurement to consider for a bag or suitcase.


NS4 Travel Mate Bag  NS4 Travel Mate Bag Inside

If you are looking for a bag to carry your Travel mate in, NS4 is now having a Ballistic Nylon bag made for this purpose (only available in black).
  • Perfectly sized for carrying a Travel-Mate and Frame Clamp
  • Dimensions 28" x 6" x 4"   
  • Made from lightweight and extremely durable ballistic nylon
  • Has extra durable buckles
  • Adjustable shoulder strap
  • 3 year Warranty from NS4
Bag Qty:      $62/ea
Needlework System 4 
NS4 Lap Stand
Lap/Table Stand

Needlework System 4 
NS4 Q-Snap
Holds 8" to 17" Q-Snaps

Q-Snaps are not included.

Needlework System 4  Belt Scroll Frame

Belt Frame for side scrolling projects. Comes with 10" rods. Attaches to any of the stands or the extension piece.
Needlework System 4 
NS4 Scroll Frame
Scroll Frame Holder 12" to 20"  (comes w/12" rods) - $180.00
Scroll Frame Holder 18" to 30" (comes w/18" rods) - $195.00
Scroll Frame Holder 24" to 40" (comes w/30" rods) - $250.00

K's Creations rods will fit this if used with wing nuts vs. tri-knobs.
You'll find NS4 rods and extra side bars as well as
K's Creations rods on our Scroll Frames page.

12" to 20" Scroll

18" - 30" Scroll

24" - 40" Scroll

Needlework System 4 
Rug Frame

Rug Frame - Discontinued

The Rug Scroll Frame has been discontinued by NS4 as of July 2024.

If you have large scroll rods already and just need the side bars to pair with 2 stands, you can order them separately. We have those in stock while supplies last.

The Floor Stand and Travel Mate stands can be ordered above.

Rug Frame side bars only
Needlework System 4 
NS4 Frame Clamp
Stretcher Bar Clamp

This is also called a Frame Clamp.
Needlework System 4 
Table Clamp Table
                          Clamp w/Q-Snap holder
Table Clamp (shown with Q-Snap Holder - sold separately)

Great for classroom use, the Table Clamp lets you mount any of the frame holders for table use.
Needlework System 4 
Extension Bar
Extension Bar

Extends your reach for the floor and Travel Mate stands by about 9". This is the curved piece from the Lap Stand, so if you own a Lap Stand are not using it, try ou the extension on your floor stand!

Floor Stand w/Extension Bar
Floor Stand w/Extenion Bar & Stretcher Bar Clamp
Needlework System 4 
NS4 Light & Magnifier Holder
Light & Magnifier Holder

You can clamp pretty much any lamp to this if your lamp does have a center post to drop into the holes. We have successfully attached the Stella Edge to the floor stand using this holder and we believe it will also hold a Craftlite Dublin using the Dublin Clamp.

Light Holder
                              w/Stella Edge
Light & Magnifier Holder w/Stella Edge Attached
Needlework System 4 
Pattern Holder
Instruction/Pattern Holder
(fits into the Light & Magnifier Holder above)

Feb 2018 - NS4 is redesigning this item. We do not have an ETA on when it will be available again.
Needlework System 4 
Scissor Tray
Scissor Tray
(fits into the Light & Magnifier Holder above)
Add Needlework System 4 items to your cart!


K's Creations
We stock a number of the K's Creations frames and stands or they can be drop-shipped to you.
If you find an item on the K's Creations website we don't list, just contact us for pricing and availability.
K's Creations 
K's Creations Baby Z Frame (w Clamp)
K's Creations  K's Adjustable Z Frame
K's Creations Adjustable Z Frame (new version with groved tray w/clamp)

K's Adjustable Z Frame
This lap/table stand is adjustable so that you can change the center of gravity, making it more stable for up to 26" wide projects. From the top of the base to the middle of the Universal clamp is a 10" clearance. If you need more clearance we can obtain a longer side bar. Photo shows it fully flexed, completely vertical. But you can flex it in the Z shape as shown in the photo for the Baby Z Frame above (which does not have an adjustable base). There are 2 holes in the upper side bar so if you have a small project, you can place the clamp in a lower hole.
K's Creations  Magnetic Board Holder for lap/table
K's Creations Board Hold for Lap/Table stands
Fits onto both the regular bases as well as the Z-Frame bases.

Purchse the Loran Magnetic Board separately.
K's Creations  Similar to the wood chart holder, but comes with a metal adaptor that fits onto the steel floor stand.

K's Creations Chart Holder for metal floor stands
Fits onto the steel floor stand.

Purchse the Loran Magnetic Board separately.
K's Creations 
K's Creations Baby Base (w/Universal clamp)
Holds 9" to 16" projects
K's Creations 
K's Creations Standard Base (w/o clamp)
Holds 13" to 24" projects
K's Creations 
K's Creations Standard Base (w/Universal clamp)
Holds 13" to 24" projects
K's Creations 
K's Creations Large Base (w/o clamp) (Special Order)
Holds 22" to 36" projects
K's Creations 
K's Creations Large Base (w/Universal clamp)
Holds 22" to 36" projects
K's Creations  Side Bars with Knobs for Standard Base to use K's Creations Belt Frame

The Standard Base comes with 7" side bars which is fine for 6 & 9 inch Belt Frames. For larger Belt Frames you need taller side bars with knobs.

* 12" Belt Frame needs 10" side bars & knobs
* 16" Belt Frame needs 12" side bars & knobs
* 18" Belt Frame needs 14" side bars & knobs
* 22" Belt Frame and larger is best in a floor stand

10" - $27.00/pr

12" - $29.00/pr

14" - $31.00/pr


K's Creations  K's Creations Sit-On Frame
K's Creations Sit-On Frame

For the Hardwicke Manor Fanny Frame, please visit our Hoops page:
K's Creations 
K's Creations Stainless Steel Floor Frame - this stand comes in 3 sizes.

$365 - Standard Floor Frame
  • height of 24in to 36in
  • reach 20in
  • has 8x14in metal base

$385 - Standard Floor Frame w/travel base
  • height of 24in to 36in
  • reach 20in
  • has travel base (see photo below)
$485 - Tall Floor Frame (for recliners and large couches - Special Order)
  • height of 30in to 42in
  • reach 26in
  • has 12x14 metal base (Big Foot)
$565 - Extra Tall Floor Frame (for recliners and larger couches - Special Order)
  • height 30in to 426n
  • reach 34in
  • has 12x14 metal (Big Foot)
All of these can be custom ordered taller or wider for your specific situation. Contact us with your information.

If you have a stainless steel stand and want the Big Foot base the cost is $60. K's can also custom size the base as well if you need a longer or wider one.

Floor Frame w/std base

Floor Frame w/Travel Base

Tall Floor Frame

Extra Tall Floor Frame

K's Creations 
K's Travel Base for Stainless stand
K's Creations Travel Base for Stainless Steel Floor Frame

This brand new base for the floor frame is 2 lbs lighter than the steel base and comes in 3 pieces. So you can easily put it in a suitcase for class or split the components between two bags to balance your load.

Please note: this base is only compatible with newer stainless steel floor frames where the pole slips over a small stud and uses a black knob at the bottom to attach to the base.
If you have an older stand we can special a new tube for $50. Please call or e-mail us for this particular item.
K's Creations 
Table Stand
K's Creations Tablet Stand for Stainless Steel Floor Frame
K's Creations    Stowaway Folded
K's Creations Stow-Away

holds up to 30in frames - with included adapter up to 36in frames
24in x 5 1/2 when collapsed

Available either in unstained maple or stained oak. We don't stock these, but special order them and have them drop shipped. Please select UPS as the shipment method to get a better estimate of the shipping costs.
Stained Oak

Unstained Maple

Add K's Creations items to your cart!


Rola Frame
We can special order the Rola Frame stands, floor or table. ETA is usually 6-12 weeks.

If you want to replace the wing nuts on the stands with the K's Creations
Mini Tri-knobs you will need 3 pkgs (12 tri-knobs). See our Frames page for the Mini tri-knobs.
Rola Frame
Rola Frame Lap Stand   Rola Frame Lap Stand
Rola Frame Lap Stand (Fits up to 18in Roller)
The Back Bar for the Lap Stand is 26” wide.  When assembled, the legs and feet are about 25" wide.
Rola Frame
Rola Frame Floor Stands
Rola Frame Floor Stands in 3 sizes

The 28" Floor Stand will hold Roller sizes from 8" to 28"
The 38" Floor Stand will hold Roller sizes from 18" to 38"
The 45" Floor Stand will hold Roller sizes from 29" to 45"

All RolaFrame Stands will hold End Bar sizes from 7" to 13".



Rola Frame
RolaFrame Accessory Arm
Rola Frame Accessory Arm - 13" long

Allows you to attach a lamp or other clamp item to your RolaFrame.

Remove one of the End Bar screws on your RolaFrame and put the Accessory Arm spacer and screw in its place.

It is best used with your RolaFrame in a stand or balanced on something as it will add extra weight if you are holding it in your hands.
Add Rola Frame items to your cart!


There are many components available for the stands listed above and some generally useful accessories.
Vendor Description Price Quantity
K's Creations  K's Creations Light Adapter

There are 2 versions that you can purchase to attach a clamp lamp. One for wood lap stands or floor stands ($38). The other for the stainless steel stand ($52)
$38.00 for wood stands

$53.00 for metal stands
Wood stand light adapter

Metal stand light adapter
K's Creations 
K's Creations Universal Clamp

This works well for stretcher bars and hoops, but the inside is not curved enough to hold Q-Snaps quite a securely as one might like.
K's Creations  K's Creations Foot Rest
K's Creations Portable Foot Stool

6" x 11 1/2" x 5" (folds to 3" thick)
K's Creations  K's Creations Foot Rest Large

K's Creations Foot Rest Large - bottom

K's Creations Portable Foot Stool Large
9.5" x 11.5" x 5" (folds to 3" thick)
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Hardwicke Manor
                Fanny Frame

For the Hardwicke Manor Fanny Frame
(another sit-on embroidery frame), please visit our Hoops page.

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Last updated November 4, 2024