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Nicky Leeman of
Country Cottage Needleworks
created a wonderful Christmas sampler in 2012/2013 with 12 scenes from
Santa's Village
Each design is stitched on 32 count linen, either
's Lambswool or
Flax. Each section is a stitch count of 72x88 (4.5x5.5 on 32 count). You'll need a Stitcher's Half (36x27) of the fabric, which will get you 12 9x9 cuts, which means you can frame the individual pieces or this cut will allow you to stitch them as shown above (4 across, 3 down).
The village sections are:
Santa's House
Poinsettia Place
North Pole Post Office
Mrs. Claus' Cookie Shop
Santa's Stocking Store
Reindeer Stables
Christmas Tree Farm
Candy Cane Cottage
Santa's Sleighworks
Gingerbread Emporium
Elves' Workshop
Hot Cocoa Cafe
Santa's Village
Crescent Colours, DMC, Sampler Threads
Weeks Dye Works
as well as a
Just Another Button Company
button. The button is entirely optional, but is sized for stitching on 32 count fabric. The thread and button list for the series is as follows:
Crescent Colours
Floss - Hazelnut, Peanut Brittle, Poblano Pepper, Ribbon Red
Floss - 169, 321, 433, 435, 436, 469, 470, 727, 743, 754, 3328, 3371, White
Sampler Threads
- Baby Spinach, Baked Clay, Buckeye Scarlet, Geranium, Green Apple, Old Brick, Rhubarb, Shutter Green, Toffee
Weeks Dye Works
Floss - Bluecoat Red, Bright Leaf, Hazelnut, Louisiana Hot Sauce, Mocha, Moss, Pecan, Straw, Turkish Red
buttons - 3314.s, 1113.s, 4500.s, nh1066.s, nh1045.s, 3506.s, nh1067.m, nh1111, 4457.s, nh1025.t, 2262.t
We only list the 32 count options for Lambswool and Flax below but you can order other fabrics through our
online catalog
You can sign up for the charts, linen, thread and/or button as you require.
Since the series is complete now we will ship your order at one time unless you request us to separate the shipments.
Santa's Village
32 count linen - 36x27 piece of fabric
Please select a fabric below.
Flax ($40.00):
Check here if you would like your
Flax serged
Lambswool ($47.00):
Check here if you would like your
Lambswool serged
Items below are for each part of the design. You can choose what you need for a specific section. You might want the buttons, or some of the threads, but not all. We will send these with their respective chart release. The thread list is cumulative so if it was used in a previous part we have not added in the list again. You should have enough to use one skein of each color the series requires (the full list is above).
Santa's House
Santa's House
Chart ($6.25)
Classic Colourworks
- Hazelnut ($2.55)
321, 433, 469, 470, 727, 743, 754, 3371, White ($8.55)
button - Golden Star 3314.m ($1.80)
Poinsettia Place
Poinsettia Place
Chart ($6.25)
Sampler Threads
- Shutter Green ($3.75)
Sampler Threads
- Toffee ($3.75)
button - Frank's Cardinal 1113.t ($1.80)
North Pole Post Office
North Pole Post Office
chart ($6.25)
Week's Dye Works Floss
- Bluecoat Red ($2.55)
Week's Dyework Floss
- Hazelnut ($2.55)
Week's Dyework Floss
- Louisiana Hot Sauce ($2.55)
button - Tiny Dove nh1083.t ($1.80)
Mrs. Claus's Cookie Shop
Mrs. Claus's Cookie Shop
chart ($6.25)
Classic Colourworks
- Peanut Brittle ($2.55)
button - Chocolate Chip Cookie, Small 4500.s ($1.80)
435, 3828 ($1.90)
Santa's Stocking Store
Santa's Stocking Store chart
Sampler Threads
- Buckeye Scarlet ($3.75)
Sampler Threads
- Rhubarb ($3.75)
434, 436 ($1.90)
button - Holly Spring, Small nh1066.s ($2.30)
Reindeer Stables
Reindeer Stables
Weeks Dye Works
Floss - Moss ($2.55)
Weeks Dye Works
Floss - Pecan ($2.55)
button - Sleigh Bell, Small nh1045.s ($1.80)
Christmas Tree Farm
Christmas Tree Farm
Weeks Dye Works
Floss - Straw ($2.55)
Weeks Dye Works
Floss - Turkish Red ($2.55)
button - True Red Heart, small 3506.s ($1.80)
Cany Cane Cottage
Candy Cane Cottage
Classic Colourworks
- Poblano Pepper ($2.55)
button - Peppermint Swirl, medium nh1067.m ($1.80)
Santa's Sleighworks
Santa's Sleighworks
chart ($6.25)
169 ($.90)
Classic Colourworks
- Peanut Brittle ($2.55)
Classic Colourworks
- Ribbon Red ($2.55)
button - Reindeer nh1111 ($4.75)
Gingerbread Emporium
Gingerbread Emporium
chart ($6.25)
Weeks Dye Works
Floss - Bright Leaf ($2.55)
Sampler Threads
- Baby Spinach ($3.75)
Sampler Threads
- Green Apple ($3.75)
button - Fred, Small 4457.s ($2.50)
Elve's Workshop
Elve's Workshop
chart ($6.25)
Weeks Dye Works
Floss - Mocha ($2.55)
Sampler Threads
- Geranium ($3.75)
Sampler Threads
- Old Brick ($3.75)
button - Wreath, Tiny nh1025.t ($1.80)
Hot Cocoa Cafe
Hot Cocoa Cafe
chart ($6.25)
Sampler Threads
- Baked Clay ($3.75)
button - Red Rose, Tiny 2262.t ($1.80)
Add the
Country Cottage Needleworks - Santa's Village
items to your cart!
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- All rights reserved
Last updated December 27, 2019