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Threads &

If you've not used our on-line catalog before we suggest you read our Ordering Information page, which has details about using the cart, estimated shipping costs, etc. You'll find accessories, embellishments, fabrics and more items off the main Catalog page.

We do not have a real-time inventory system nor do we have plans to ever implement one. The threads listed here are those that we typically carry in the shop or special order regularly. Adding a thread to your shopping cart does not imply we have it in stock. Please check with us if knowing that before you order is critical. We are a brick and mortar shop and our hours are posted at the bottom of the page.

While we have photos of many of the threads we carry which you may use as a general reference, we do not recommend making a color choice based solely on the photos. Dyelots change over time, sometimes by a substantial amount and photos are not updated with any regularity. Monitors will also display color differently. If you are trying to match a color, we suggest giving us a reference like DMC, Anchor or Needlepoint Inc. to match to. Then we can see what we have in current dyelots that might work for you.


Single Dyelot?

For most of our threads you can check mark a box to let us know that you want them in a single dyelot (SDL). If you are doing a large piece and you want to know the threads were dyed at the same time, it is the only way to inform us that you need us to ensure that. Most thread companies do not dyelot number their threads so we have to order enough to make sure you get them in one dyelot. And for even those that do use dyelot numbers, we can rarely re-order a specific dyelot. Some threads can be wildly different with their dyelots, while others change very subtly. Anchor and DMC rarely change but most of the hand-dyed threads change quite a bit over time (even Au ver a Soie threads change quite a lot). So knowing when you place your order that the dyelot matters is most helpful to us.

If you need a thread we don't stock either call us to see if we can special order it, or add a note to the Special Instructions when you checkout.

For threads marked Special Order if we don't have them in stock we can order them.
For threads marked Special Order Only we do not stock them at all, and order them as needed.

We also carry Color Cards for a number of threads (there are none for hand-dyed threads). You'll find them on our Color Card page.
Vendor Thread/Ribbon
Access Commodities
Now with photos!
Accentuate (Madeira Supertwist)
Bijoux (Madeira Jewel Black Core/White Core aka Lacquered Jewels)
Gilt Sylke Twist
Londonderry Linen Thread
Ensembles de Soie Collections of lovely silk threads
Silk Tressage - Flat and Soutache Braids

Marlitt, Metallic Perle, their overdyed floss and the Perle Cottons are Discontinued.

Appleton Crewel Wool & Tapestry Wool
Au Ver à Soie®

You can view photos of most of our Au Ver à Soie® threads!

AuVer à Soie®  has 2 color systems. The main thread has the most colors and the other threads will use the same numbers but there won't be as many colors available in those lines. The numbers are totally different between the two color systems and do not map between them.

  • Soie d'Alger - includes Soie de Paris, Soie Gobelins, Soie Ovale, Silk Trame & Soie Chenille
  • Soie 100/3 - includes Soie Perlee and Soie Surfine

Soie d' Alger
Soie 100/3
Soie de Paris
Soie Chenille
(Special order only)
Soie Gobelins
Soie Perlee
Soie Ovale

Soie Surfine
Silk Trame

Silk Flesh Tone Collections
Fine d'Aubusson Wool

Metallic Braids (4, 8, 12, 16 & 32)
Metallic Braid sets:

Sets of silks for Hands Across the Sea Samplers .

If you are interested in purchasing a full set of some of the AVAS threads we offer the following discounted sets. Numbers of colors change as AVAS adds or removes colors from the active list.

Soie d'Alger - set of 632 colors @ 15% discount
Soie 100/3 - set of 347 colors @ 15% discount
Soie Gobelins - set of 105 colors @ 15% discount
Soie Surfine - set of 221 colors @ 15% discount
Fine d'Aubusson Wool - set of 130 colors @ 15% discount
Brown Paper Packages Silk & Ivory and Trio
(Silk & Ivory with a metallic twist)
Caron Collection

Wildflowers (Special Order)

Wildflowers - Solid (Special Order)
Impressions - Solid
Impressions - Overdyed (Special Order Only)
Soie Cristale

Classic Colourworks
(previously known as Crescent Colours)

Belle Soie  Hand-dyed silk floss
Dinky-Dyes Dinky-Dyes Silk Floss
Dinky-Dyes Silk Ribbon
Dinky-Dyes Silk Perle
(Silk perle in 3 different weights)
Dinky-Dyes Jumbuck (50% silk/50% wool - Special Order)

floss is completely gone now.

Eco Vita ** new 2024 - Organic natural dyed crewel wool
Etoile Floss
VariationsFloss & Perle #5
Satin Floss

Floche *** This is made by DMC Exclusively for Fleur de Paris, our distributor in Los Angeles. If you hear rumors that DMC is no longer making it, don't be dismayed - it is, but only for FDP.

Light Effects (Metallic Floss)
Perle Cotton - list of size 3, 5, 8 & 12
Perle #5 in balls
Metallic Perle #5

Metallic Embroidery Thread (Fil Metallise)

(Coton a Broder - we carry a few colors)

Infusions - Memory Thread * DMC is no longer making this thread and we have almost none in stock. And our suppliers can no longer get it. Please contact us via e-mail if you're looking for a specific color. But check the website first as if they don't list it, it's gone.
Fleur de Paris
Bella Lusso®  100% Merino Wool
Now with Photos!

See ThreadworX below for a hand-dyed version and Rainbow Gallery's new Glisten for a version twisted with a filament.
Fujix Ltd. (Japan)
Soie et - 3-ply variegated silk threads  New
Gentle Art, The

Effective 12/1/21 we are only filling orders for what we have in stock. We are suspending orders with this vendor due to their extreme backlog and shortage of thread.
Sampler Threads

This page is for reference only. Please use the search box above. As we sell out of colors we will remove them from the searchable database. We do not keep a real time inventory in this online system so ordering it is not a guarantee we have it in stock.

Gloriana orders are taking 4-6 months if they have the thread dyed when they ship our order. Be sure to allow a several month lead time for your projects.
Silk Floss 12 strand silk
Florimell Au ver á Soie® hand-dyed Soie d'Alger
Tudor Silk thinner 12 strand for 45 and above count linen
Silk Ribbon 4mm, 7mm & 13mm

Vintage Silk Ribbon - Lacquered Gold for Willing Hands Virgin Queen's Stitching Wallet

For the present time we are not accepting orders for these threads:
Duchess Silk (Special Order)
Lorikeet (Special Order)
Luminescence (Special Order)
(Special order)
Princess Perle/Princess Perle Petite (Special Order)

Silk Chenille is discontinued and no longer available.
Goldwork Threads

We get thread for Goldwork from Access Commodities & Kreinik. If you don't see something listed here you are looking for, please contact us.
Passing Threads, Gold Wire & Silver Wire, Purls, Rococo, Russia Braid, Milliary, etc.
Silk Wrapped Purl
Silk Wrapped Gimp #2, #4 & #8
Silk Serpentine
Silk Facette Gimp

Crinkle Silk Gimp (gone now)
Stars (stranded silk) * new color range 480-489 Sage, released 2019

We no longer carry Bella, Mori or Serica. We do have the color card so if you need help with finding substitutes, please contact us.
Metallic Braids (Blending Filament, #4, #8, #12, #16, #24, #32; Regular, Easter Grass, Japan & Holographic colors)
Metallic Ribbons (1/16", 1/8" & the new 1/4")

Easter Grass
is listed with the rest of the Metallic threads (#9032)
Facets & Petite Facets & Wired Facets


Japan #5 & #7 Threads

Couching Thread

Real Metal threads (Special Order)
Micro Ice Chenille
Londonderry Linen Thread Sizes 18/3, 30/3, 50/3 & 100/3

The 18/3 is now somewhat thicker from the manufacturer and comes as 40m on a cardboard spool. As we run out of the older 12m plastic spools, the new yardage will be what we have available.
Misc (various vendor threads not listed elsewhere)
Gutermann Invisible Thread (for beading)
Needle Necessities

Needle Necessities closed in 2007. These pages are for reference only so you have some idea what a color looked like.

You can find substitutes for many of the Overdyed Floss colors from the threads by ThreadworX.
Floss Reference page only
Perle Cotton #3, #5 & #8 Reference page only
Rachel Reference page only
Spring II Reference page only
Reference page only
Reference page only
Overdyed Wool Reference page only
Overdyed Kreinik #4, #8 & #12 Reference page only
Needlepoint Inc. Silk Floss
Painter's Threads
by House of Textile Arts
(formerly Tentakulum).
Hand-dyed Coton a Broder
Hand-dyed Crewel Wool
Hand-dyed Au ver a Soie Soie d'Alger New
Hand-dyed Au ver a Soie Soie de Paris New
Hand-dyed Au ver a Soie Soie 100/3 New
Planet Earth
Pepper Pot
6-ply silk

We can order any of the other Planet Earth threads that are still made. Furr, Fuz and Fun as well as Opal is gone. The sub for FFF is Rainbow Gallery Wisper.

Tonals Silk Ribbons The ribbons have been discontinued and we have very  limited stock. Please send us an e-mail and we can see if we still have any of what you want in stock.
Rainbow Gallery

We are adding photos of all the Rainbow Gallery threads. As we get them photographed we'll add them to the appropriate page.
Alpaca 18 now with photos!
Rainbow Angora
now with photos!
Arctic Rays
now with photos!



Coronet Braid™ (sizes 4, 8, & 16)
now with photos!
Cresta d'Oro®
now with photos!
Crystal Braid

Fancy Fur
Faux Fur®
- Discontinued & all supplies are gone; best sub is Fuzzy Stuff
Fiesta! - Discontinued & all our supplies are gone
now with photos!
Fluffy Fleece -
Most colors are discontinued but a few are still available
Baby Fluffy Fleece -
Discontinued and our inventory is gone
Fuzzy Stuff
Frosty Rays® & Petite Frosty Rays®
now with photos!
Fyre Werks® (regular or Soft Sheen)
now with photos!
(Bella Lusso® wool twisted with a filament - new Jan 2017 & with photos)
Gold Rush 14™
now with photos!
Variegated Gold Rush 14™
now with photos!
Gold Rush 18™
now with photos!
Gold Rush XS™

Mandarin Floss
now with photos!
Neon Rays®
now with photos! & Neon Rays®+
Nordic Gold®
Patent Leather & Patent Leather 2
Rainbow Linen
Rainbow Persian (this is Fleur de Paris Anahera wool on cards
Rainbow Tweed

Santa's Beard & Suit® -
Discontinued & all supplies are gone; best sub Angora
Silk Lamé Braid
(13, 18 & Petite) & Silk Lamé Plus (ribbon)
Sparkle! Braid
Sparkle Rays & Petite Sparkle Rays
Splendor® now with photos!
Splendor Silk Ribbon
Subtlety™ -
Discontinued and supplies are limited
Treasure Braid ™ (sizes 4, 8, 12 ,16 & Petite
now with photos!)
Treasure Ribbon   Treasure Ribbon Petite now with photos!
Very Velvet™ & Petite Very Velvet™

Water 'N Ice
now with photos!
Zoo Eyes -
DISC - sub with LB300 or SL300 Silk Lame Braid

The threads below have been Discontinued by Rainbow Gallery and we did not stock them.
put a note in the comments if you are looking for a color Rainbow Gallery might still have (order in mutliples of 6)

24 Karats
Rainbow Cashmere
Designer's Dream
Gold Rush 12™

Pebbly Perle®

Plastic Canvas 7

Plastic Canvas 10

Precious Metals™

Razzle-Dazzle 6®
Ribbon Rays

Silk & Cream

Treasure Chest

Sajou makes mostly sewing threads but they also have two excellent threads for needlework.
Silk Perle
Metallic (Metalised polyester)
Silk Road Fibers
Straw Silk 
Thread Gatherer

If you are looking for a thread not listed here, contact us and we'll see if can order it for you.
Silk 'n Colors (12 strand silk floss - Special Order)
Silken Ribbon (4mm, 7mm - Special Order)

We stock ThreadworX floss in all colors and most of their other threads. We do not currently list the Vineyard Merino in the online catalog but will be adding it - ask us if you need a color ordered.
Overdyed Floss
Expressions (same base thread as SpringII)
Hand-Dyed Vineyard Silk
Legacy Collection (replacement for Charleston)
Hand-dyed Kreinik Micro Ice Chenille (new for 2018)
Hand-Dyed Kreinik Braid
Pearl Cotton (#3, 5, 8 & 12)
Hand-Dyed Bella Lusso®
Weeks Dye Works
Wiltex Threads

We stock the Classic and special order the Tone-on-Tone and Merino.  Merino Strandable and Shimmer are no longer made and we have limited supplies of them. Send us an e-mail if you are looking for a specific color.
Vineyard Silk - Classic
Vineyard Silk - Tone-on-Tone
(Special Order)
Vineyard Merino
(Special Order)

We stock a number of colors of Ribbon Floss but do Special Order any of them.
Ribbon Floss
Regular, Metallic, Shimmer Blend, Super Shimmer Blend, Night Shimmer Blend & Seasons Shimmer Blend (Special Order)
For all other threads, check our Thread Inventory page, where you enter the color name or number.  Or give us a call.

Shopping Cart Note

If you are unable to add threads using the master pages above, try using the search box. Each uses a different method to add to the cart. We are working with our provider to try to track down the issues but so far we have been unable to reproduce the problems reliably enough to get to the bottom of the problem. If you can e-mail us with your OS version, Browser type and and version and what page(s) you had problem with it will help us in our debugging efforts.

If you run into an error you can't work around you can always call us to place your order over the phone or just e-mail us your list and we can handle your order that way.

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Last update:September 3, 2024